Especialista de segurança com mais de 15 anos de experiência, entusiasta em pesquisas sobre malware, testes de intrusão e engenharia reversa (rascunhos grotescos em linguagens de programação como Python, C e Assembly). Com sólido conhecimento em segurança de redes, hardening e tunning em várias plataformas, tais como Windows, Linux, macOS. Contribui para a comunidade Slackware Brasil (Slackshow e Slackzine) e integra o Staff dos eventos: H2HC, SlackwareShow e Bsides SP. Membro do time de Capture The Flag RTFM, participando de CTFs nacionais e internacionais bem como na ajuda de organização de competições nacionais e internacionais.


Security Specialist with extensive experience in enterprise networks and enthusiastic on malware research, pentest and reverse engineering. I have been focused in the last years in research for vulnerability and malware for macOS environment.

For many years I have worked with solutions like: Siem solutions for real-time correlation, threat hunting and triage advanced persistent threats to mitigation and endpoint protection. I also have worked with development and design of vulnerability scanner and code analysis with open source tools for automation of the task.

I have been speaking at several security conferences like H2HC (Hackers to Hackers Conference (SP Brazil), Andsec(Argentina), BsideSP(SP Brazil), Roadsec(CE Brazil), BHack(MG Brazil), Nullbyte(BA Brazil).In Brazil, I am part of the staff for some security conferences organizations such as H2HC (Hackers to Hackers Conference, BsideSP and SlackShow/Slackzine Community. In 2019 I helped to organize a bug bounty program for BYOS Company in Las Vegas during Defcon event.

I am also a Member of the CTF team RTFM (Red Team Freakin’ Maniacs), we are playing a lot of CTF and organizing CTFs in Brazil, Argentina and Chile.

Palestrante Confirmado
Ricardo L0gan
Palestrante Confirmado
Ricardo L0gan


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